mac OS Sonoma に gcloud CLI を導入する





Python のバージョンを確認

サポートされているバージョンは Python 3.8~3.12 です。


> python -V
Python 2.7.18
> python3 -V
Python 3.9.6

python3 のほうを使えばOK


チップが Apple M3 Pro のマシンを使っているので、以下のパッケージが該当。

項目 内容
プラットフォーム macOS 64 ビット(ARM64, Apple M1 silicon)
パッケージ google-cloud-cli-470.0.0-darwin-arm.tar.gz
SHA256 チェックサム e92d9af260ef28300ed2d5c30a4871fe1cac3f44dac823a358c52b11b56dd058

wget でダウンロード後、任意で展開する。今回は ~/Applications の中にした

> wget -O - | tar xvf - -C ~/Applications/


> ls -la ~/Applications | grep google
drwxr-xr-x  21 ユーザー名  staff   672  4 12 15:30 google-cloud-sdk



> cd ~/Applications


> google-cloud-sdk/
Welcome to the Google Cloud CLI!

To help improve the quality of this product, we collect anonymized usage data
and anonymized stacktraces when crashes are encountered; additional information
is available at <>. This data is
handled in accordance with our privacy policy
<>. You may choose to opt in this
collection now (by choosing 'Y' at the below prompt), or at any time in the
future by running the following command:

    gcloud config set disable_usage_reporting false

Do you want to help improve the Google Cloud CLI (y/N)?  y 

Your current Google Cloud CLI version is: 470.0.0
The latest available version is: 471.0.0

│                                                     Components                                                     │
│      Status      │                         Name                         │              ID              │    Size   │
│ Update Available │ BigQuery Command Line Tool                           │ bq                           │   1.7 MiB │
│ Update Available │ Google Cloud CLI Core Libraries                      │ core                         │  18.3 MiB │
│ Not Installed    │ App Engine Go Extensions                             │ app-engine-go                │   4.5 MiB │
│ Not Installed    │ Appctl                                               │ appctl                       │  18.5 MiB │
│ Not Installed    │ Artifact Registry Go Module Package Helper           │ package-go-module            │   < 1 MiB │
│ Not Installed    │ Cloud Bigtable Command Line Tool                     │ cbt                          │  16.7 MiB │
│ Not Installed    │ Cloud Bigtable Emulator                              │ bigtable                     │   7.0 MiB │
│ Not Installed    │ Cloud Datastore Emulator                             │ cloud-datastore-emulator     │  36.2 MiB │
│ Not Installed    │ Cloud Firestore Emulator                             │ cloud-firestore-emulator     │  44.5 MiB │
│ Not Installed    │ Cloud Pub/Sub Emulator                               │ pubsub-emulator              │  63.3 MiB │
│ Not Installed    │ Cloud Run Proxy                                      │ cloud-run-proxy              │  11.3 MiB │
│ Not Installed    │ Cloud SQL Proxy                                      │ cloud_sql_proxy              │   7.3 MiB │
│ Not Installed    │ Google Container Registry's Docker credential helper │ docker-credential-gcr        │           │
│ Not Installed    │ Kustomize                                            │ kustomize                    │   7.4 MiB │
│ Not Installed    │ Log Streaming                                        │ log-streaming                │  11.9 MiB │
│ Not Installed    │ Minikube                                             │ minikube                     │  33.6 MiB │
│ Not Installed    │ Nomos CLI                                            │ nomos                        │  28.6 MiB │
│ Not Installed    │ On-Demand Scanning API extraction helper             │ local-extract                │  13.7 MiB │
│ Not Installed    │ Skaffold                                             │ skaffold                     │  23.3 MiB │
│ Not Installed    │ Terraform Tools                                      │ terraform-tools              │  63.6 MiB │
│ Not Installed    │ anthos-auth                                          │ anthos-auth                  │  20.7 MiB │
│ Not Installed    │ config-connector                                     │ config-connector             │  55.6 MiB │
│ Not Installed    │ enterprise-certificate-proxy                         │ enterprise-certificate-proxy │   8.3 MiB │
│ Not Installed    │ gcloud Alpha Commands                                │ alpha                        │   < 1 MiB │
│ Not Installed    │ gcloud Beta Commands                                 │ beta                         │   < 1 MiB │
│ Not Installed    │ gcloud app Java Extensions                           │ app-engine-java              │ 126.2 MiB │
│ Not Installed    │ gcloud app PHP Extensions                            │ app-engine-php               │  21.9 MiB │
│ Not Installed    │ gcloud app Python Extensions                         │ app-engine-python            │   5.0 MiB │
│ Not Installed    │ gcloud app Python Extensions (Extra Libraries)       │ app-engine-python-extras     │   < 1 MiB │
│ Not Installed    │ gke-gcloud-auth-plugin                               │ gke-gcloud-auth-plugin       │   7.4 MiB │
│ Not Installed    │ kpt                                                  │ kpt                          │  14.4 MiB │
│ Not Installed    │ kubectl                                              │ kubectl                      │   < 1 MiB │
│ Not Installed    │ kubectl-oidc                                         │ kubectl-oidc                 │  20.7 MiB │
│ Not Installed    │ pkg                                                  │ pkg                          │           │
│ Installed        │ Cloud Storage Command Line Tool                      │ gsutil                       │  11.3 MiB │
│ Installed        │ Google Cloud CRC32C Hash Tool                        │ gcloud-crc32c                │   1.2 MiB │
To install or remove components at your current SDK version [470.0.0], run:
  $ gcloud components install COMPONENT_ID
  $ gcloud components remove COMPONENT_ID

To update your SDK installation to the latest version [471.0.0], run:
  $ gcloud components update

Modify profile to update your $PATH and enable shell command completion?

Do you want to continue (Y/n)?  y

The Google Cloud SDK installer will now prompt you to update an rc file to bring the Google Cloud CLIs into your environment.

Enter a path to an rc file to update, or leave blank to use [/Users/ユーザー名/.zshrc]:  
Backing up [/Users/ユーザー名/.zshrc] to [/Users/ユーザー名/.zshrc.backup].
[/Users/ユーザー名/.zshrc] has been updated.

==> Start a new shell for the changes to take effect.

Google Cloud CLI works best with Python 3.11 and certain modules.

Download and run Python 3.11 installer? (Y/n)?  n

For more information on how to get started, please visit:

.zshrc を確認すると、末尾にPATHの設定が追記されていた

> cat ~/.zshrc

# The next line updates PATH for the Google Cloud SDK.
if [ -f '/Users/ユーザー名/Applications/google-cloud-sdk/' ]; then . '/Users/ユーザー名/Applications/google-cloud-sdk/'; fi

# The next line enables shell command completion for gcloud.
if [ -f '/Users/ユーザー名/Applications/google-cloud-sdk/' ]; then . '/Users/ユーザー名/Applications/google-cloud-sdk/'; fi

Python を推奨バージョンに切替

Python のバージョン管理は、Homebrew 経由で落とした pyenv で行っている

Google Cloud CLU は 3.11 が推奨バージョンみたいなので、これをデフォルトにしておく

Homebrew を最新化

> brew update
==> Updating Homebrew...
Already up-to-date.

pyenv が最新版であることを確認

> pyenv --version
pyenv 2.4.0

現在の global バージョンを確認 → 2.7.18 になってる

> pyenv global

3.11 系の最新バージョンを確認 → 3.11.9 みたい

> pyenv install --list | grep 3.11

3.11.9 をインストール

> pyenv install 3.11.9
python-build: use openssl@3 from homebrew
python-build: use readline from homebrew
Downloading Python-3.11.9.tar.xz...
Installing Python-3.11.9...
python-build: use readline from homebrew
python-build: use zlib from xcode sdk
Installed Python-3.11.9 to /Users/ユーザー名/.pyenv/versions/3.11.9

3.11.9 をグローバルに設定 → 確認OK

> pyenv global 3.11.9
> pyenv global

gcloud CLI を初期化

> google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud init
Welcome! This command will take you through the configuration of gcloud.

Your current configuration has been set to: [default]

You can skip diagnostics next time by using the following flag:
  gcloud init --skip-diagnostics

Network diagnostic detects and fixes local network connection issues.
Checking network connection...done.                                                                                                                                                                               
Reachability Check passed.
Network diagnostic passed (1/1 checks passed).

You must log in to continue. Would you like to log in (Y/n)?  Y

Your browser has been opened to visit:




[次へ] をクリック

Google で ログイン、Google Cloud SDK にログインする画面

[許可] をクリック

Google でログイン、「Google Cloud SDK が Google アカウントへのアクセスをリクエストしています」という案内の画面


Terminal に戻ると、以下が出力されていた。プロジェクトの作成はせず終了。

Updates are available for some Google Cloud CLI components.  To install them,
please run:
  $ gcloud components update

You are logged in as: [Googleアカウントのメールアドレス].

This account has no projects.

Would you like to create one? (Y/n)?  n


gcloud のバージョンを表示 → 成功。ここでもコンポーネントのアプデを勧められる。

> gcloud --version                                                                                                                                                    ok | 8s | system node | gcloud | 16:03:16 
Google Cloud SDK 470.0.0
bq 2.1.2
core 2024.03.22
gcloud-crc32c 1.0.0
gsutil 5.27
Updates are available for some Google Cloud CLI components.  To install them,
please run:
  $ gcloud components update



> gcloud components update                                                                                                                                                 ok | system node | gcloud | 16:03:55 
Beginning update. This process may take several minutes.

Your current Google Cloud CLI version is: 470.0.0
You will be upgraded to version: 471.0.0

│            These components will be updated.            │
│               Name              │  Version   │   Size   │
│ BigQuery Command Line Tool      │      2.1.3 │  1.7 MiB │
│ Google Cloud CLI Core Libraries │ 2024.03.29 │ 18.3 MiB │
│ gcloud cli dependencies         │ 2024.03.29 │ 16.6 MiB │
│      These components will be installed.       │
│           Name          │  Version   │   Size  │
│ gcloud cli dependencies │ 2021.04.16 │ < 1 MiB │

The following release notes are new in this upgrade.
Please read carefully for information about new features, breaking changes,
and bugs fixed.  The latest full release notes can be viewed at:

471.0.0 (2024-04-02)
      ▪ Modified --region flag of gcloud ai endpoints to include new online
        prediction regions.
      ▪ Modified --region flag of gcloud ai models to include new online
        prediction regions.

      ▪ Added flag --assign-inbound-public-ip to enable or disable public IP
        for an instance to the following commands in the GA track:
        ◆ gcloud alloydb instances create
        ◆ gcloud alloydb instances update

      ▪ Added flag --authorized-external-networks to set a list of authorized
        external networks on an instance to gcloud alloydb instances update in
        the GA track.

  App Engine
      ▪ Updated the Java SDK to version 2.0.26 build from the open source

      ▪ Downgraded urllib3 to version 1.26.9 be compatible with the request

  Certificate Authority Service
      ▪ Added Subject Key Id field to arguments gcloud privateca roots create
        to allow usage of a custom subject key id for root certificate
      ▪ Added Subject Key Id field to arguments gcloud privateca subordinates
        create to allow usage of a custom subject key id for subordinate
        certificate authorities.
      ▪ Added Subject Key Id field to arguments gcloud privateca certificates
        create to allow usage of a custom subject key id for certificates.
      ▪ Added maximum lifetime argument to gcloud privateca templates create
        to allow configuring maximum lifetime restriction using certificate

  Certificate Manager
      ▪ Added allowlistedCertificates property to certificate-manager
        trust-configs import and certificate-manager trust-configs export.

  Cloud Bigtable
      ▪ Rebuilt cbt cli with version 1.33.0 which
        fixed CVE-2024-24786.

  Cloud Bigtable Emulator
      ▪ Rebuilt cbt cli with version 1.33.0 which
        fixed CVE-2024-24786.

  Cloud Composer
      ▪ Added gcloud beta composer environments list-workloads to display
        Composer workloads list.
      ▪ Added gcloud beta composer environments user-workloads-config-maps
        create to create a user workloads ConfigMap.
      ▪ Added gcloud beta composer environments user-workloads-config-maps
        delete to delete a user workloads ConfigMap.
      ▪ Added gcloud beta composer environments user-workloads-config-maps
        describe to get details about a user workloads ConfigMap.
      ▪ Added gcloud beta composer environments user-workloads-config-maps
        list to list user workloads ConfigMaps.
      ▪ Added gcloud beta composer environments user-workloads-config-maps
        update to update a user workloads ConfigMap.
      ▪ Added gcloud beta composer environments user-workloads-secrets create
        to create a user workloads Secret.
      ▪ Added gcloud beta composer environments user-workloads-secrets delete
        to delete a user workloads Secret.
      ▪ Added gcloud beta composer environments user-workloads-secrets
        describe to get details about a user workloads Secret.
      ▪ Added gcloud beta composer environments user-workloads-secrets list
        to list user user workloads Secrets.
      ▪ Added gcloud beta composer environments user-workloads-secrets update
        to update a user workloads Secret.

  Cloud Deploy
      ▪ Updated gcloud deploy apply to accept the Automation resource YAML
        configuration with the field names in the API proto.

  Cloud Infrastructure Manager
      ▪ Added --file flag to gcloud infra-manager deployments
        export-statefile to download statefile with a custom file name/path or
        by default to a file named statefile if only file path is provided.

  Cloud Memorystore
      ▪ Add --node-type flag to redis clusters create to add the ability to
        create clusters with different node types.

  Cloud NetApp
      ▪ Added --backup-config and --source-backup to gcloud netapp volumes to
        allow scheduled backups and create volume from backup workflow.

  Cloud Pub/Sub
      ▪ Promoted --cloud-storage-file-datetime-format flag of gcloud pubsub
        subscriptions create to GA. Added the ability to set custom Cloud
        Storage filename datetimes in Cloud Pub/Sub to Cloud Storage
        subscriptions. For more information, see
      ▪ Promoted --cloud-storage-file-datetime-format flag of gcloud pubsub
        subscriptions update to GA. Added the ability to update custom Cloud
        Storage filename datetimes in Cloud Pub/Sub to Cloud Storage
        subscriptions. For more information, see

  Cloud Run
      ▪ Updated integration name generation logic to use the integration type
        followed by 4 digit hash.

  Cloud SQL
      ▪ Support for designating a disaster recovery replica in gcloud sql
        instances patch command using --failover-dr-replica-name flag is in

  Compute Engine
      ▪ Added gcloud compute storage-pools and gcloud compute
        storage-pools-types command groups which can read Compute storage pools
        and storage pool types. Documentation of the storage pools will be
        available at

  Compute OS Config
      ▪ Added gcloud compute os-config project-feature-settings commands that
        allow to view and change the project feature settings.

  Database Migration
      ▪ Added gcloud database-migrate connection-profiles create sqlserver
        which creates a Database Migration Service connection profile for SQL
      ▪ Updated gcloud database-migrate migration-jobs create to create
        Database Migration Service migration job for SQL Server to Cloud
        SQL-SQL Server migrations.
      ▪ Added --dump-type to gcloud database-migrate migration-jobs create to
        allow creating a migration job with PHYSICAL or LOGICAL dump type.
      ▪ Added --dump-type to gcloud database-migrate migration-jobs update to
        allow updating a migration job with PHYSICAL or LOGICAL dump type.

  GKE Hub
      ▪ Updated gcloud container fleet scopes list to return Fleet Scopes
        permitted to be viewed by the caller.
      ▪ Added gcloud container fleet scopes list-memberships SCOPE to return
        Fleet Memberships bound to SCOPE.

  Kubernetes Engine
      ▪ Added --additive-vpc-scope-dns-domain and
        --disable-additive-vpc-scope flags to gcloud container clusters create,
        create-auto and update.
      ▪ Added --security-posture=enterprise flag to gcloud container clusters
        create, gcloud container clusters create-auto, and gcloud container
        clusters update to enable GKE Threat Detection.

  Regional Endpoints
      ▪ Add optional address input flag to gcloud beta networkconnectivity
        regional-endpoints create.

      ▪ Fixed issue with gcloud workbench instances failing when
        accelerator-type flag is set to NVIDIA_A100_80GB.

    Subscribe to these release notes at!forum/google-cloud-sdk-announce

Do you want to continue (Y/n)?  Y

╠═ Creating update staging area                             ═╣
╠═ Uninstalling: BigQuery Command Line Tool                 ═╣
╠═ Uninstalling: Google Cloud CLI Core Libraries            ═╣
╠═ Uninstalling: gcloud cli dependencies                    ═╣
╠═ Installing: BigQuery Command Line Tool                   ═╣
╠═ Installing: Google Cloud CLI Core Libraries              ═╣
╠═ Installing: gcloud cli dependencies                      ═╣
╠═ Installing: gcloud cli dependencies                      ═╣
╠═ Creating backup and activating new installation          ═╣

Performing post processing steps...done.                                                                                                                                                                          

Update done!

To revert your CLI to the previously installed version, you may run:
  $ gcloud components update --version 470.0.0

再度バージョンを確認 → 最新の 471.0.0 になった。これにて完了。

> gcloud --version                                                                                                                                                ok | 2m 57s | system node | gcloud | 16:12:19 
Google Cloud SDK 471.0.0
bq 2.1.3
core 2024.03.29
gcloud-crc32c 1.0.0
gsutil 5.27



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